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Hand-Painted Champagne Bottles

For those local to Dallas, Texas

painted veuve clicquot champagne bottle in dallas, texas  - photo by paige vaughn photo
papergarten hand-painted veuve champagne bottle
Jessie Gibbons hand painting Veuve Clicquot champagne bottle in Dallas, Texas

For the next big celebration, inquire about our custom champagne bottles! Prices start at $200/bottle for our signature Papergarten flowers. To ensure we only take on local clients, we ask that you bring and pickup the bottle(s) you’d like us to paint. We prefer to paint on bottles with a glossy label.

At capacity for the time being. Check back later!

Important note: All bottles are independently purchased by the client and then delivered to our studio to paint. We are not involved in the purchasing process nor affiliated with any particular champagne brands.

Have questions or a larger project you’d like to inquire about?

Want to see more?

We have a specific highlight on Instagram dedicated to champagne bottles.